About Me

My name is Ray and to say I’m obsessed with travelling is an understatement. I have been to over 40 countries in 5 continents. I’ve been there, done that, and then some.

I have one and only priority. YOU! I pride myself on being 100% independent. Many travel agents will make a booking for you, which often serve their interests, not yours.

When I realised travellers were getting ripped off in more ways than one, I knew something had to change, which is why I decided to start No Baggage.

I will work with you on a personal level, to not only find the best price, but provide an expert opinion with the backing of independent reviews.

I make your itinerary as if it were my own, carefully tailoring it and making it a memorable experience from the moment you leave from the airport to when you get home.

For no bs, no worries and No Baggage, contact me.